Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Harvest Festivals






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Thanksgiving Day

Jokes.Net: Time for a Laugh

Harvest Festivals

Harvest Quotes

Page 4

  • Autumn will heap the granaries high.
    Whatever you reap, corn, wheat or clover,
    Barley or rye, when autumn is over . . .
    Whatever you reap you will be raising
    Again and again.
    - Anne Persov, Whatever You Reap.

  • He that hath a good harvest may be content with some thistles.
    - John Ray, English Proverb

  • Who eat their corn while yet 'tis green,
    At the true harvest can but glean.
    - Sadi Gulistan: Introduction.

  • Upon the slime and ooze scatters his grain,
    And shortly comes to harvest.
    - Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra. Act ii, sc. 7, 1, 26.

  • To glean the broken ears from after the man
    That the main harvest reaps.
    - Shakespeare As You Like It. Act iii, sc. 5, 1, 102.

  • You sunburnt sicklemen, of August weary,
    Come hither from the furrow and be merry.
    - Shakespeare The Tempest. Act iv, sc. 1, 1. 134.

  • In harvest time, harvest-folk, servants and all,
    Should make altogether good cheer in the hall.
    - Thomas Tusser, Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry: August's Husbandry.

  • And thus of all my harvest-hope I have
    Nought reaped but a weedy crop of care.
    - Spenser The Shepheardes Calendar: December, 1. 121.

      Think, oh! grateful think
    How good the God of Harvest is to you!
    - Thomson The Seasons: Autumn, 1. 169.

  • Fancy with prophetic glance
    Sees the teeming months advance; . . .
    Sees the reddening orchard blow,
    The harvest wave, the vintage flow.
    - Thomas Warton The First of April, 1. 97.

    Harvest Quotes page 5

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