Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

Harvest Festivals






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Family Network

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Thanksgiving Day

Everything Brunette

Harvest Festivals

Verses, Poems and Stories

Bhagavata Purana

    The story of Bhagavata Purana which translated loosely is "Ancient Stories of the Lord". This poem tells the love story of Krishna and Radha it is either told in the form of a dramatization, or recalled by reading verses from the poem.

    The poem tells of Krishna's early life, a good looking, brave young man who loved and was loved by many a beautiful young lady. Krishna was believed to be really the god of goodness and love Vishnu, who takes care of all life.

    He was brought up by foster-parents, who did not know that he was not their child. He was very lovable but most mischievous. As a young man he would tease the cowherds and play pranks on the girls who took care of the herds. He would overturn milk pails and steal butter. In spite of all this trickery he was loved by the girls. But he was in love with only one the beautiful Radha.

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